Planned Giving
Stocks, Securities, Wills, Trusts, and Annuities. There are many powerful financial ways to help support Choices. While there are many benefits, the most important is the satisfaction you will have knowing your gifts will make an impact now and for generations to come.
To donate in any of these ways, or if you have questions about planned giving, please contact us at or call 602-508-3340

Planned Giving
Gifts Of Securities
Gifts of stocks or bonds are a great, tax-exempt way of supporting Choices with your investments.
Additional benefits include:
- No capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated securities.
- Receive a charitable income tax deduction.
- Help us grow the Choices mission.

Bequests made from a will or estate are a great way to support Choices’ work and leave a lasting legacy for years to come.
You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset or you can gift a percentage of your estate.
There are a number of tax discount opportunities available with this method and setting it up is as easy as meeting with your Financial Advisor or Lawyer.
Annuities are a great way to save on tax costs and help Choices meet large fundraising goals for new projects.
Through an annuity, an amount is donated to Choices, with the promise that Choices will make monthly payments back to the giver for life.

IRA Rollover
If you are 70½ or older, you can move money directly from your IRA account to Choices as a tax-free gift.
Give us a call and we’ll help you get the process started.
Cash Donations
A traditional cash donation is always needed and so appreciated by our team at Choices.
Receive tax breaks on donations and donate easily online through our online giving form, here.

Stocks, Securities, Wills, Trusts, and Annuities. There are many powerful financial ways to help support Choices. While there are many benefits, the most important is the satisfaction you will have knowing your gifts will make an impact now and for generations to come.
Contact us at or call 602-508-3340