To anyone who adheres to traditional values, such as believing in God, upholding the importance of family, and the virtues of hard work and personal honor–today’s popular culture is alien. And there is arguably no more fundamental issue that separates our society into opposing cultural factions than the value of human life.

To us, all human life is a good thing, something that should be cherished and protected from the moment of conception until a natural death. In the opposing camp, human life–or, at least, some human lives–are an inconvenience, at best, and an affirmative evil, at worst. This is evident primarily in our modernist culture’s views on abortion-as-birth-control, and its complete disdain for traditional families and, in particular, for women who not only accept the role of motherhood, but who embrace it. 

We Need Cultures of Healing

Sadly, today’s culture paints a false and distorted image of what motherhood means, and, instead, offers superficial and callous “solutions” to the difficulties women face, particularly women who have been deceived into believing that casual sexual activity outside of marriage is not merely acceptable but desirable, notwithstanding biological realities.

Unfortunately, when those realities inevitably manifest themselves in unwanted pregnancies, often with fathers nowhere in the picture, the response of modern culture is to call babies in the womb “clumps of cells” that can be discarded. This culture is based on deceiving women into believing that their bodies will not do precisely what they are designed to do. Is it any wonder that pregnancy–a perfectly normal and natural consequence of sexual intercourse–has ceased to be a reason to celebrate, but has been recast, instead, as a reason to recoil in fear and dread? 

Only the Church Can Shine the Light on Truth 

Who is going to bring the truth to those struggling under the weight of this great lie of popular culture? There is only one answer: the church, that broad community of people who follow the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  It is our duty and our calling to provide support and love to those who, sadly, have yet to feel Christ’s love in their lives.

We need to combat the mendacity that feeds the culture of death, a culture that seeks to erase and degrade the beauty of womanhood by turning women against their own flesh and blood. We need to push back against a culture that tries to convince our youth that a tiny little baby is an enemy that must be destroyed.

The Church must guide and fuel the Pro-Life movement, because God is the only power that can bring the light of truth to a lost generation.

But unfortunately, too many believers today want to pass the buck. Maybe they hope that just getting the law changed is enough. Or maybe they are scared, or feel ill-prepared to join the battle against such overwhelming numbers and such a network of deceit.

But the battle belongs to all of us who cherish life. We must be the ones to step forward to proclaim that all pregnancies are good because they are gifts from God, no matter the circumstances, and that all babies are wanted babies in the eyes of God and of his servants on earth. 

This is not a time to sit out. The moment is at hand, and the Church needs to rise up NOW!

Engage With The Movement

Here at Choices, we are asking everyone to step up now and support the Life movement. There are three main ways we ask for support, and we urge you to recognize that you can play a role, no matter what your situation is. Here are three ways you can support our mission: 

  1. PRAY

The value of prayer is difficult to overstate, particularly when we realize that this battle is not really between man and man, but a spiritual battle between good and evil that goes to the very heart of our existence. This battle is being waged against the Preborn because they are created by God in his very image and likeness. To take back territory from the enemy, we must arm ourselves with the armor of God through prayer.

Choices hosts quarterly prayer webinars, complete with prayer guides. Through these webinars, you can join your prayer with others, “for where two or three are gathered in My Name, there am I among them.”


Are you a medical professional or a person with a real servant’s heart? Join others who are compassionate, caring, and looking to make a difference in the lives of young women, young men, and babies. Whether you want to work directly with clients, assist with special events, or use your talents and experience in our business office, you can be a valuable part of the team that helps to spread hope and love to the Greater Phoenix area. 

In the 40 years that Choices has been serving our community, we’ve had over 270,000 clients come through our doors.  And there are 10,000 individuals alive today because of the work we have done here!

But this is no time to pat ourselves on the back or rest on our laurels. We cannot slow down. In fact, if anything, we need to engage even more, to open our hearts and our doors to support the growing needs in our community. Complete your application for volunteering here.


We see many broken women and families at Choices. When these women leave Choices clinics, they need support. They need to be connected to churches that will continue fostering and nurturing a more committed relationship to Christ and His infinite mercy.  Whether they’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, parenting before they’re ready, or seeking healing after an abortion they regret – they need a support system.

At Choices, we’ve implemented our “Bridges” program, where we work with specific churches that are willing to provide a support network for our clients, and to provide the hope and healing they need to rebuild a shattered past. We ask these churches to help our clients continue on the path to living a fulfilling and Christ-centered life. 

For information on how to be part of our Bridges program, please contact Choices today. We can work together to answer the call and engage the Life Movement when it matters most.