Jill Biden and Christina Aguilera recently teamed up to advocate for the reversal of abortion bans nationwide. Their joint message, shared on social media, urged voters to take action in the coming election. Below is a summary of their appeal, along with our reactions to each point raised. 

A Recap of Biden and Aguilera’s Social Media Ad

Abortion Bans, IVF, and Contraception

“The Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade in June 2022 was truly shocking and devastating,” Mrs. Biden began. “These bans not only jeopardize the health and lives of women but also put doctors at risk of prosecution for simply fulfilling their duties,” Aguilera added. Biden continued, “Extremists are even targeting access to IVF and contraception for many families.” 


However, it’s worth noting that a recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court clarified legal recourse under the state’s wrongful death act regarding preborn children conceived by IVF. This decision did not alter the legality of IVF itself, and subsequent legislative action reaffirmed its protection. The court ruling didn’t alter any laws regarding the permissibility of IVF. In fact, the state legislature promptly enacted another law to safeguard IVF, which the Republican governor immediately signed into law.


The real story? IVF and contraception aren’t really in danger – but, hey, this ad doesn’t apparently need to back up its claims anyway.

Constitutional Rights

The text displayed in the ad also asserted that abortion restrictions are poised to “rip away” the fundamental rights of women nationwide. However, the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson, which overturned Roe v. Wade, explicitly stated that the Constitution has never endorsed a “right” to abortion. The decision deemed Roe as “egregiously wrong from the start,” as stated on page 65 of the Dobbs ruling:


“We therefore hold that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. Roe and Casey must be overruled, and the authority to regulate abortion must be returned to the people and their elected representatives… procuring an abortion is not a fundamental constitutional right because such a right has no basis in the Constitution’s text or in our Nation’s history.”

The Purpose of Laws

Building on this, Aguilera added, “I will not let my daughter live in a world where politicians make decisions about her body,” However, this overlooks the fact that numerous laws already regulate our bodies with the purpose of safety, such as seat belt requirements, gun regulations, alcohol consumption laws, and many more. 


The fundamental principle remains: in America, there’s a longstanding commitment to the idea that one person should never have the right to indiscriminately end another person’s life, regardless of the circumstances. Any law that sanctions the killing of an innocent human being is inherently unjust and must be overturned. This was not a new principle originating with the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June 2022 but is instead a timeless principle of this and every civilized society that has ever existed. 

Baseless Accusations

“Secrecy, shame, punishment, danger, even death,” the First Lady added. “Extremists are working harder than ever to drag us back to a past we thought was long over.” 


But what is she basing these wildly inflammatory accusations on? The number one rule of responsible journalism is citing sources and substantiating claims. To simply and vaguely accuse pro-lifers of “secrecy, shame, punishment, and death” without any evidence whatsoever is unacceptable. Labeling them as “extremists” without justification only serves to stoke fear. Such rhetoric can only be described as fear-mongering and inflammatory, lacking any factual support. If resorting to baseless accusations and threats is their strategy, one must question the validity of their arguments. 


These accusations are particularly ironic because the very thing the pro-life movement works so hard to prevent is death. If anyone can claim to be against “punishment, danger, and death,” it’s those of us in the pro-life movement. We’re passionately battling the unjust ending of innocent children’s lives.

Who is the Most Vulnerable?

“We should have the freedom to make our decisions about our bodies,” Biden added, upholding the basic, pro-abortionist rally cry: “My Body, My Choice.”  But here’s the thing: abortion is not only about women’s bodies. We’re talking about someone else’s body here. Preborn babies have their own DNA and heartbeat – they’re their own little human beings from the moment of fertilization. All women deserve the freedom to make educated decisions about their bodies… including preborn women (and men).


At Choices Pregnancy Centers in Arizona, we care about moms *and* babies. If you are facing an unwanted pregnancy, please reach out to us or make an appointment today. We offer free ultrasounds and pregnancy tests, as well as medical consultations. We care about you and your health, and we think you deserve the truth.