Giving money is a quick and straightforward way for you to give.
Benefits of gifts of cash
You can immediately influence our mission.
A charitable income tax deduction is available.
How to make a gift of cash
Cash donations can be mailed to us in the form of checks or money orders. If you want your contribution to be used for a particular reason, please let us know by writing that purpose in the memo line or in a letter to us.
More on gifts of cash
Did you know that you can write a check on December 31 and the IRS will permit you to claim a deduction in the year the check was written, even if the check is not received and processed by Choices until after the new year? For your year-end tax planning, keep this in mind!
Contact Us
Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries concerning financial donations. We would be pleased to help you and respond to your inquiries.
Everything you need to know.
Ok, maybe not everything, but it’s a good start. Contact us, we’d love to help.
Everything you need know.
Everything you need to know. (Ok, maybe not everything, but it’s a good start.) Contact us, we’d love to help.