Hope & Healing Training Classes
We need your help to speak life and share hope
with the women of Arizona
who have experienced an abortion.

Hope & Healing Classes
We need your help to speak life and share hope
through free services to the women, men, and babies of
Arizona when they need it most.
Equipping you…
to become safe, educated, and effective encouragers for those who have participated in a past abortion.
You can become a safe place to talk about unintended pregnancy and abortion – equipped to provide practical support and life discipleship.
To support her:
To support her:
More and more women need Hope & Healing, and we are providing the training and tools needed to change this narrative. YOU can be a safe place for men, women, and families to find support and healing.
Qualities of Facilitators
- Demonstrates a consistent walk with Christ in all aspects of her life
- Be a member or maintain attendance in a Bible-based Christian Church
- Be a strong advocate for and promote the values of the sanctity of human life, biblical sexual integrity and marital fidelity
- Must have a sincere desire to share the love of Christ
- Must have a heart for post-abortion ministry and the Hope & Healing program
- Must be healed from past abortion(s) / continuing on the healing journey
- Mature, conscientious individual who is extremely discreet and confidential
- Must have a stable, teachable, dependable character with a proven reputation for following through on commitments
- Availability to facilitate at least one Hope & Healing group per year